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What level of light filtration does dimout curtain fabric provide?

Dimout curtain fabric provides a moderate level of light filtration. It is designed to reduce the amount of light that enters a room without completely blocking it out, unlike blackout curtain fabric which is designed to block out nearly all external light.

Dimout curtain fabric typically filters out a significant portion of natural sunlight, creating a semi-darkened or shaded environment. This can help reduce glare and soften incoming light, making it suitable for spaces where you want to control the brightness of the room while still maintaining some level of visibility to the outside.

The specific level of light filtration can vary depending on the type and thickness of the dimout fabric, as well as the color and pattern. Some dimout fabrics may allow a small amount of diffuse light to pass through, while others might create a more substantial reduction in light. It's important to note that while dimout curtains offer more light control than regular curtains, they may not provide the same level of light-blocking as blackout curtains.

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